How to Make an Anonymous Account on Instagram: The Ultimate Privacy Guide

With the amount of users sharing personal information on the web today, most of the users create fake social media accounts to avoid being exposed. Different social networks have different features and settings, however, Instagram one of the most used platforms provide a number of options for creating an anonymous profile.

Although there is only one primary topic of discussion in this guide, it discusses How to Make an Anonymous Account on Instagram.

Why People Decide to Remain Anonymous on Instagram?

There are, therefore, many reasons that make one to open an Instagram account with anonymity. The first one is to perpetually safeguard the human rights of individual privacy within a highly integrated environment.

Using social media poses the risk that any status updated, like or comment can reveal personal details. Users, who would like to avoid being tracked and spied on or simply do not want their relatives, friends or colleagues to stumble upon their profile, can register and log in as an anonymous user.

Another usual purpose is to escape cyber bullying or stalking. When employed as a stranger, users shield themselves from trolls or any other person with the intention of harassing them in their day to day lives. It is especially the case where people wish to have the freedoms of speech without the bullying or harassment, in such topics of personal interest, opinions, or controversies.

Also, it gives the user freedom as well as privacy because they can follow the interests or people who a user want to be part of but they can not join due to cultural norms or personal issues.

On the same note, the majority of content creators or influencers maintain anonymous accounts to create a distinct line between their professional/ public life, and personal life. Having an option to have an anonymous account on Instagram can helpful to create and experiment without constant need to present a best self.

Lastly, there are many reasons for being anonymous with Instagram, which includes the privacy and freedom to be creative, which is one of the most effective reasons users find it beneficial.

A packet titled ‘Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Anonymous Account’ was received for publication in IJIM.

To clarify, it’s not as easy as one would think to create an anonymous Instagram account; you cannot just choose any username. To enhance true anonymity, some precautions have to be taken throughout the creation of the account and the setting up of the privacy parameters.

First of all, a nickname have to be chosen, which will not connect with the real name and other personal data. In creating the username or an email address, do not use any part of your real name, date of birth, or location. However, it’s safer to choose a completely different name, this is the name that people using this platform will see.

Any time you are subscribing to a service, ensure that the account you are using is an email address created solely for this purpose. Do not enter your most used, or linked to your other social media profiles, e-mail address.

It is probably best to compose a new email using a service that keeps users’ data protected, such as ProtonMail. However, to enhance the anonymity let alone the account that was created, a person can subscribe to dispoal email service so that no link between the instagram account and the a real person will be seen.

Also, do not input your phone number when creating the account because it is also used to identify people. Instagram may request for a phone number for identification, but you can use an emergency phone, or a card other than your usual SIM card to avoid revealing your identity.

After registering an account with the site, you should set your own profile account properly. In your bio, profile picture, and all the posts you’re making, do not use any of your personal photos or information that might identify you.

Stay away from anything crazy and emotional and keep the images or artwork simple and in compliance with the general theme of anonymity. If it is used for creativity, for doing research, or just for a kind of personal blog – then, yes, the best thing to do is to keep it very ambiguous and avoid mentioning anything about yourself.

Tips On How To Achieve Anonymity

To remain anonymous on Instagram, one must be cautious even after creating the account for Insta page. Any user can make the error of binding the account with other social networks or emails that reveal one’s identity.

Make sure that you do not paste this content on Facebook, twitter or any other forums where you use your real account. The same should apply to all that you post both on your social media accounts and on your web page. It is possible to give out some details on purpose or by accident: the image, the place, or even the comment.

Further more, do not follow your real life friends or any account which has a lot of connection with your real life. Even the action like a ‘like’ or subscribing to one’s account can become potentially dangerous to an anonymous account if many people notice similarities. Ideally, you should work with that which is terribly uninteresting to you or has no relation to your friends.

The last best practice is protecting your anonymity and not allowing Instagram to associate your anonymous account with your personal ones through devices’ and/or IP addresses. Internet providers and websites store addresses of your computer connections, and it is easy to match an anonymous account connected to your IP address.

Anytime you want to hide your Identity from Instagram or any other site, it is wise to use VPN as it will help you camouflage your IP address. In the current world, there are many VPN services and some of them are designed to enhance your anonymity in the internet.

Finally, the user is advised to implement the two-factor authentication feature that increases the account’s protection. The thing with 2FA is that it often needs a phone number, but you can retain anonymity by listing a different number or using Google Authenticator. These extra measures will shield your account from being accessed by the wrong hands and even if your password has been stolen your anonymous account is safe.

Adjusting Instagram Privacy Settings for Maximum Anonymity

Instagram Privacy Settings

There are several privacy features available in Instagram which is crucial for anonymity for Instagram account. The first and the most important place is to make your account private. When you go into private mode, only those approved followers can see your posts, stories, or followers list. It also lets you to manage who has access to your content and hides your activity on the Instagram network.

Apart from taking your account to private it is also important that you do not allow search engines to crawl your profile. This can be done in the settings menu of Instagram it is possible to uncheck the box which controls visibility of the account to external search engines, which means that people will not be able to find your profile while using a search engine of their choice.

Another really important feature to make use of is the ability to limit who can comment on your posts or sends you a direct messages. In the “Privacy” menu you can find an option of allowing only people you follow to comment or DM you, or even block the strangers’ messages at all.

These are important setting since it provides privacy and makes sure that intruders who may want to look for you based on your activities do not get hold of you.

Besides, it is also recommended to log out of activity status, which informs your friends when you were last online. What you may not know is that this small setting can actually reveal more about your habits and browsing times than you may want it to, so it is certainly recommended that you leave this option off if you’d prefer to remain somewhat anonymous.

Some essential privacy options are: deciding who can see your stories and disabling the location services when sharing photos so that Instagram doesn’t mention your location.

In its current state, there are certainly dangers being anonymous on Instagram.

Although, it is absolutely safe to make an anonymous account in Instagram this method has several drawbacks and dangers. The first and maybe one of the most severe disadvantages is that you nearly lose the bond with other it users.

Having anonymous accounts reduce your chances of the followers establishing trust with you or interacting with the content you post. This is especially true when your content might not be aligned to a given topic or your profile may look too generic or remotely associated with any given personality.

Furthermore, anonymity incurred by the user while operating the snapchat or Instagram account might hinder operations involving some of the components that would heavily require the use of identity numbers among other reasons.

For example, the Instagram feed recommends people to follow suggesting shared friends or the user’s recent activity in the app. If your account is unknown to your friend’s circle, it is likely to not get the same kind of organic traffic or attention. This can be quite a problem for growth, whether the ‘famous’ anonymous account is for a hobby or creative work, as engagement and gaining followers can be difficult.

The other risk which can be associated with impersonation is that some of the users or Instagram in general may consider you a scamer and or block the page. Instagram does not tolerate impersonation at all, even though you are not pretending to be someone else here, the fact of using an alias or avoiding the detailed information about oneself might accidentally set Instagram algorithms on alert and suspend your account on that ground.

This could mean that they could be simply locked, have limited access or barred completely and this increases with the time especially when the site in question receives complaints about the account.

However, complete anonymity on the internet is almost impossible, and there are remaining weak signals, for instance, device fingerprinting. This is strictly not true: while, for instance, you do not share you personal details on Instagram or other third-party apps connected to the service, it and they can always collect data linked to your device, your history, and other digital footprints.

This is true and although measures like using different devices, VPNs or incognito browsers will go a long way toward reducing such risks, the chances of being identified are still pretty high.

Free guide on how to handle numerous instagram accounts

For those who need to participate in the discussions and at the same time want to have a secret life in Instagram multiple accounts feature comes in handy. Many change their accounts frequently but are able to keep one login without feeling the need to log out because Instagram provides a feature where users can have different accounts and slide between them effortlessly.

To work with two accounts at the same time you need to create the second one From the given guide on the account anonymity. Then, you can connect this new account to your Instagram app and switch between accounts without sharing one account with another.

However, they also warned that anonymity is still crucial when dealing with multiple accounts. Do not share the same devices to post on both accounts if security breach is not well handled. It is preferable if the anonymous activity is to take place on different devices but if not, make sure that the IP address does not connect to the account.

In the same manner, bear in not sharing your PGP key with other accounts or accidentally posting pictures from your sub-Reddit account in your main account for this immediately reveals your identity.

It is also important to realize what kind of updates should be posted on both accounts. For instance, if your anonymous account’s purpose is to discuss some peculiar activities or heated topics, you should never combine such content with the main profile by mistake or on purpose.

It requires the great effort to genuinely manage both accounts separately and to keep your anonymous account secret from the one which has a lot of subscribers and friends.

Using VPNs and Secure Browsers for Instagram

Another technique of keeping your identity concealed on Instagram is by practicing the use of Virtual Private Network. In practice, a VPN provides advanced levels of security by making sure that neither your IP address, nor your location, is traceable to you, and impossible for Instagram to decipher. This is very helpful especially if you often work on device fingerprinting or if you have an anonymous account that you don’t want linked to your other browsing.

Today there are many VPNs, and the majority of them develop tools aimed at protecting the user’s privacy. In choosing the VPN for your internet use there are two main factors to consider,; The service provider should not retain your usage history and the second one is the encryption standard.

Other VPNs also come endowed with other features such as ad-blockers and anti-malware capabilities which will provide you an extra layer of protection while Browsing Instagram and other sites.

Aside from having a VPN, there are additional ways that you can enhance one’s anonymity while getting to Instagram: Use secure browsers like the Tor or other browsers with focus on the privacy segmentation like the Brave.

These browsers also put barriers to tracking or denying website owners a chance to harvest information about your device thus avoiding situations where Instagram links your fake username to your real life identity of your web browsing patterns.

Although it may sound like overkill to use a secure browser in conjunction with a VPN it is advisable since the aforementioned measures add an additional layer of privacy in Web surfing.

Anonymous Account: What You Can Realistically Hope For

That is the thing when utilizing any social media, and, in particular, If you need to be obscure on Instagram, you need to realize that it is difficult to be entirely mysterious. When using the procedures explained in this guide, you minimize the chances of your identity being compromised but certain aspects are out of your control.

For instance, Instagram has information about behavior, devices, or browsing history, and it becomes freely available if you are careless with the applications you install.

Moreover, while posting anything that seems innocent, there is always a possibility of revealing bespoke details of one’s identity. For instance posting pictures of attractive places, specializing in certain topics, or timing when you posted may in fact lead back to you if someone really wants to. So one should be rather careful with any given activity and should not post anything that can be linked back to the person’s real identity.

, at best, an anonymous account on Instagram helps to have more personal space, test interests, and do not show your phone number, address, etc., to the entire world. However, it is necessary to admit the讓平台 anonymity and stay thoughtful when using the platform.

Tips on Choosing a Safe Username

Creating a username also known as handle is among the most important things to consider when creating an anonymous Instagram account. The idea of creating a safe username is to make no relation to any of the person’s information or characteristics. Do not employ any information that can be associated with a real name, date of birth, place of origin or passion that can connect you.

You should no longer use an easily guessable personal detail like your initials, birth date or favorite symbol. This way, your username doesn’t give people any hints, which would allow them to find out that the anonymous profile they are dealing with actually belongs to you.

Nowadays, disposable email addresses allow signing up to Instagram and observing Content posted by other Users.

When making an account on Instagram to avoid identification, using a disposable or throwaway email is a wise move. Other related services such as ProtonMail or Guerrilla Mail or create a temporary or secure email addresses to avoid sharing own personal email on Instagram.

This feature amounts to an assurance that even if the hacker gains access into the owner’s account, the real identity of the owner is safe. Never use your main or personal email, because in this way, you can get track or throw into an open data leak,-threatening your anonymity.

Instant Burner Number and Instagram Verification

Of course, Instagram frequently asks to create a phone number to sign up for the service; that is a disadvantage if you want to stay anonymous. As for the next tip, you may also want to consider getting a burner phone number—a phone number that is not linked to your other personal detail.

A good example is Google Voice, TextNow, and there are other services that offer you the opportunity to get a disposable number. Applying this method, you can avoid linking your identity through the real phone number while passing the verification.

The Meaning of Using Different Passwords for Secret Accounts

A good password is always a great decision, especially for any account, but even more, so for anonymous Instagram profiles. The truth is that your passwords are tied to your real-life identity in one way or the other, so, it is very easy for your anonymity to be compromised in case of password sharing or a leakage.

Password managers such as LastPass, or Dashlane can be used in order to generate secure, unique passwords. When you enter a difficult password, it raises the chances of you being hacked and thus keep your anonymity in check.

How to stop Instagram from interfacing your phone contacts

When one is creating a new account for Instagram, the site will ask one to connect their phone contacts to follow friends. Even for an anonymous account, permission to access the contact list is an enormous privacy consideration on Instagram. Consequently, contact synchronization may compromise your anonymous account, for instance, Instagram may recommend people you share connections with or tags the account in posts.

To avoid this, you should not allow Instagram to sync with your phone contacts when registering an account. If you have already allowed the app to access your Data, you can deny the permission in the Privacy settings of your gadget.

Linking Your Instagram Account to Other Social Networks

Currently, Instagram has a button, with the intention of guiding users to link their Instagram profile with that of Facebooks and other social networks to enhance affluence and sharing. However, if you join Instagram with your Facebook account or with any other social account, the idea of anonymous disappears automatically.

It is possible to endanger your anonymous identity by using the very social network Instagram is connected to Facebook – thus, it is possible that your Facebook friends will stumble upon your anonymous IG profile through the swapping of data. It is also essential to have your unknown Instagram profile entirely different from other social networks in order not to expose yourself.

Keep Yourself Out of the Suggested User List on Instagram

Recommendation: Instagram recommends accounts without prior permission and is based on mutual connections, common interests or linked contacts. If you are looking to keep your account private then getting on someone’s “Suggested Users” list can potentially expose your profile to people that we may know. Thus, make sure that your account is not associated with your phone numbers, or personal contacts linked to your account.

Second, they should also enable the private account and avoid engaging with those that have many mutual followers. The fewer bread crumbs are trailed, the less chance of appearing in recommendations on IG.

Social Media Tracking on Instagram:

It records the various activities of the users such as the post and activities you like, follow, comment, and even direct messages. This data is useful to the platform in creating a more individualized user profile which threatens privacy if not controlled.

In order to reduce tracking, it is recommended to use certain services, including VPN and secure browsers that do not allow Instagram to determine your location and the websites you visit. Disabling localisation and emptying your cache from time to time is also a way to decrease tracking. thus reducing the amount of information that Instagram gathers; you enhance your likely hood of remaining anonymous, thus safer.

Can Instagram Track Anonymous Accounts?

Despite Instagram’s aggressive data harvesting, there’s a limit to how much data they can gather about an anonymous account. VPN’s secure browsers and not using personal identifiers will make it almost impossible for Instagram to associate you with the account you use.

However, it can gather device details, IP addresses and behavioral details which can easily identify you. The reader shall understand that it is nearly impossible to provide anonymity 100 percent, but using proper privacy measures minimizes the expectations of being tracked.

How to Block and Restrict Non Wanted Followers

Sometimes, even with an anonymous picture that nobody knows you got on IG you may find yourself with stakers who may infringe your privacy or make you feel uncomfortable with the way they are pestering you to follow them back.

As far as the problem with these users is concerned, the most obvious solution is to block them. If someone is blocked, he/she cannot observe the profile, posts, comment, or even mention you in any social application.

Instagram has also another option – “Restrict” – this one helps to really limit someone’s actions, and they will not even know. It is also useful to use these tools to be able to control the possibility to observe your activity and interact with an anonymous profile to certain extent.

How to Hide Your Instagram Stories from Certain People

However, there are two facts worth to mention: Instagram allows you to share stories only with people that you are following and you can exclude some users from seeing your stories. This feature is very handy if you have some followers which you do not want to see your posts but you do not want to remove them from your list of followers.

To this end, navigate to the stories, and under privacy options choose the people you don’t want to see your stories. Using this function one is able to decide who gains access to what they post allowing them to avoid posting topless pictures or highly sensitive data that might attract the wrong kind of attention.

How to Turn Off Activity Status to Stay Anonymous

For anonymous users, an activity status that indicates the last time a person used Instagram may be a privacy issue. To stay more anonymous, you should turn it off, it can be found in settings, more specifically, in the Privacy section.

Disabling your activity status is the best way of preventing people from getting a chance to see when you are logged onto the website. This is especially useful, if you utilizing your account occasionally and have no desire that followers might trace your activity pattern.

Turn Off Commenting on an Anonymous Instagram Page?

Preventing comments on your posts can be quite effective when running an anonymous Instagram account. You can get comments that give you a feeling of unwanted attention or discussion, which may defeat the purpose of anonymity. By turning this feature off you ensure that your followers cannot interact with you in a way that may prompt questions that are personal or may assume something about your character.

This can be particularly useful if you are let’s say discussing certain issues in public which when discussed with others can lead to revelation of personal feelings or data. Commenting on a post may be disadvantageous since it restricts your ability to engage with your audience but at least it will be on your terms and you will be anonymous that you don’t have to deal with the pressures of the audience.

How to Use the Incognito Mode in Instagram Profiling

If you occasionally need to get into Instagram but don’t want others to find out by noticing activity in your history, logging in as a guest may come handy. Almost all the web browsers come with the private or incognito browsing mode that disallows your browser from storing your browsing history, cookies, or site data.

That won’t make you completely anonymous on Instagram, but it will help your activity not to be recorded on the device you use. This is especially helpful when using the site you want to monitor and avoid others finding your anonymous profile linked to those profiles. To do this, fire up the web browser using the incognito mode and then type the Instagram address.

Should you go and follow people you know in real life

It’s weird when you have a fake insta where you follow the people you know. Although it might be easier to interact with people who are close and you know personally you might end up exposing your identity. If they have come across your username or else have noticed the content which is similar to their interests in real life, they may start to associate them with your real persona.

To have maximum anonymity you should not follow anyone that can recognize you. However, interact with strangers on subjects, which are related to the anonymous user whose profile is created. This starts helping you to create a fan base without having to sacrifice your privacy.

Why You Shoud Not Add Location Data to Your Pictures for Privacy

This is a feature where you are able to give your Instagram post a location tag which can be informative for your viewers. Still, when it comes to an identity unknown account, then using geotags can in fact pose a rather huge threat to privacy.

Since, when geotagging your posts, you expose your physical location, vivid details of your actual interactions and profile, it is much easier to identify who you really are. Remember, to keep your identity concealed you should never tag any place in any of your statuses.

However, the goal is to develop interest through constructing informative content in society that does not necessarily need to be associated with geographical relevance of the loca Personal life should not interfere with digital life.

Today we will teach you how to make yourself invisible to your followers and considerably decrease the visibility of your profiles.

Having an Instagram account that is unknown to anyone can be problematic, but it means that your online status can show the patterns of your activity. For privacy concerns you are able to go offline thus your followers cannot see your last interaction.

This option is located at the bottom of the form under ‘Privacy >> Activity Status.’ By doing so you make it even more difficult for someone to guess your habits or routines based on what you are doing online because there is an extra step through which you need to pass.

How to Limit the Personal Information

How to Limit the Personal Information You Share Through Instagram Posts

One of the key of the strategies on how to remain anonymous on Instagram is that should not disclose personal information in the caption or in the pictures. Remember to always think hard about the consequences that may warrant your posts especially when sharing content. Do not upload anything that can link it to you; do not post places, geographical locations, places of interest, or pictures of people that might know you.

Also, make sure this is not the first thing you write on top of the captions themselves avoiding general knowledge items which could lead to yourself being identified. It is vital to avoid such pitfalls and think about what can happen if your post appears to the wrong person since this will help save anonymity levels on Instagram.


Being active on Instagram as an anonymous person can be quite complex but it does not mean there aren’t ways of doing it safely and interactively. Starting from screening your personalized information up to use of secure measures each action is significant for your identity.

If you are aware of how to manage your privacy settings, how to interact with other users, and check your account often, you don’t have to completely cut yourself off from the platform and, at the same time, protect your private life.

Finally, I would like to note that the main condition that can help in running an anonymous account in Instagram depends solely on you. Enjoy all that an anonymous identity which comes with it while at the same time ensuring that one remains secure online.

FAQ: Related How to Make an Anonymous Account on Instagram: The Ultimate Privacy Guide

Why should I create an anonymous account on Instagram?

Anonymity as a feature helps individuals be able to post content and view content they probably wouldn’t if they had to use their own personal details. This is very advantageous for those day people serving to prevent access to private life, shun attention or discuss issues.

Can I use a fake name for my Instagram account?

Yes, you can use a fake name or a pseudonym for your Instagram account but that will not be advisable as a businessman. But make certain you do not use the name that reflects your real life identity and it does not infringe the Instagram policy.

. How do I keep my account private?

To maintain privacy, make your account private by following these steps:
To reach the settings, navigate to the profile section, clicked on the three horizontal lines at the top right of the page.
To get to this, click ‘Settings,’ followed by ‘Privacy.’
Activate the option of the “Private Account.” In this way, only people you allow to follow you can access your posts and stories in the application.

How can I interact with others while staying anonymous?

This way, you are capable of getting in touch with other users by liking the posts they share, commenting on them, following the accounts you find interesting and even sharing stories you like, all this without risking your identity. Be very careful out there when interacting with other people to ensure that no one recognizes you.

Can I use Instagram without a phone number or email?

ternet a double sided edged tool that has improved our lives , Instagram needs the user to either provide a phone number or email address to sign up. However, for the creation of an account here, you can use what we call a fake or dummy email addresses by registering through temporaryiltrodisposable email services.

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