Podcasts as other content nowadays also find the use in popular social networks and one of them is Instagram. Being able to properly share a podcast on Instagram can increase your following, interacting with your followers, and create further listeners.
In this ultimate guide, I will discuss how to share a podcast on Instagram as a primary promotional channel, and how to share podcast episodes, create content, and build audiences. Whether you are up and running or need to tweak strategies this guide will help you to understand the features of Instagram and how you can use them to achieve the best for the podcast.
Promote a Podcast on Instagram

The first thing that you need to have a clue about when you want to use Instagram to market your podcast is the creation of valuable content. Instagram is a visual platform while podcasts are more of an auditory form of media, therefore, one has to connect the two splendidly.
Starting out on the platform is as simple as turning the significant scenes from your podcast into content suitable for the Instagram platform. Imaginal images synchronized with the jingles, behind the scene images, or scenes that create an impression of the episode’s theme without revealing it.
In this case, one can share different and more engaging content on Instagram using the Stories, Reels, and even in feeds apart from determined posts.
That is why hashtags are critical in marketing your podacst. Include general podcast and podcast recommendation hashtags like #PodcastLife, #PodcastLove as well as more specific hashtags related to the material of your episode.
It assists you to reach users that engage in the usage of those hashtags at the same time. Additionally, engage with other influencers in your niche, post comments on what others are sharing, & repost content which you find relatable by your audience.
Influencer marketing is also a very effective technique of increasing the visibility of your Podcast because it is recommended to cross-promote your show with other pod-casters and like-minded influencers.
Guía para crear Noticias en Instagram Stories si eres de Podcasts
In a very close second place are Instagram Stories because of their transient use and high interaction rates compared to other forms of promotion. Due to the fact that Stories have a limited time of 24 hours, they elicit prompt engagement from users.
It has always been a great practice to share screenshot of any particular episodes you may have featured, conducting mini polls or quizzes based on the content of the podcast, or even post countdowns in preparation for the next episode. Such types of contents make the users engaged and interact with them in one way or the other.
Another way to boost podcast discovery is the Swipe-Up feature (if you have more than 10K followers) and use Stories to link your episodes. This makes the containment of the user flow easier as it enables your followers to listen to the newest episode right within the app.
Instagram Stories disappear after 24 hours, and that’s where Instagram Highlights come into place as it enables you to save previous episodes. For instance, instead of scrolling through older posts, you can create multiple Highlight sections for different podcast themes, guests, and fan questions, so that new subscribers can easily find your content at first glance.
Instagram Reels for Podcasts
Concerning sharing, Instagram Reels are a perfect fit for sharing sneak peek clips of episodes or the entire podcast episodes cut into segments for IGtv. Reels are a great tool for sharing the most significant, and sometimes sensational, parts of the podcast in no more than sixty seconds.
This feature can be used to give your followers a sneak preview into what you are going to release next, or compile clips that give your audience an insight of what goes on behind the scenes.
Following the latest trends or even employing the sounds popular on Instagram Reels can also contribute to the explorer page, which will help reach out to new audiences. That is because Reels usually result in higher reach in comparison with the rest of the content that you post on your page, making it a great tool for attracting new followers and keeping up with current ones.
Always associate your Reels with proper research for hashtags that will increase the chances of the video being discovered.
Share Podcast Episodes on Instagram

What’s interesting about using Instagram for podcast promo is that IGTV is the option to use when sharing a complete episode. IGTV enables great and long videos compared to the normal Instagram video limit which makes it possible to post full length podcasts or even highlights’ full episodes. As you can’t share the whole audio file you can create videos from the episodes with the help of still images, graphics or text captions linked with the episode audio.
For shorter content, an audiogram type of content can be posted on feed posts or on IGTV. Captions are text that appears over your podcast and includes an image or video of you or other people in the audio. They are easily re-usable and nice to look at – adding a layer of curation to your podcast content and make it easier to fit into the Instagram realm.
To get the best results don’t forget to add a catchy title that would explain what listeners would expect to hear in your episode. Realising that people are listening to your podcast on IGTV, you can use call-to-actions such as ‘Get the complete episode from the link in the bio’ to the podcast from other platforms.
Increase Podcast Interaction on Instagram
Promoting a podcast on the Instagram platform requires forging engagement. Engagement gives you an insight on how your fans, followers, friends, viewers, or visitors engage with your posts, comments, shares, and even saves. Ideas for encouraging your followers’ engagement include developing content type that will make your followers to interact.
For instance, post a set of questions about your latest podcast episode or tag your audio visual content to Instagram’s poll, quiz, or Q&A sticker options and encourage people to share more about what they listen to on Stories.
Besides, live videos represent another great engagement asset. You can provide live questions and answer sessions, interviews or even sneak peek into how you create your podcast. These live interactions give your audience a chance to directly connect with you hence feeling more connected to your content.
Sharing the audience with your podcast production can also enhance the audience-taping-moment. For instance, you would want your followers to give ideas regarding other episodes that can be produced in the future or choose guests for your show. This breeds an element of loyalty and this could pay off significantly well in the future since more user engagements mean more patronage of the content.
Podcast Marketing on Social Media
Although Instagram is essential in podcast marketing, focus on tablet positioning for your InstagramTM brand and keep the Instagram brand positioning integrated with the general social media brand strategy. Podcast promotion should be a multimodal activity because it will outreach various groups of listeners through other channels.
For example, you can share audiograms on Instagram, behind-the-scenes stories, or Reels, engage in real-time discussions with listeners on Twitter, or share content on LinkedIn that highlights your podcast’s theme and your ideas.
Sharing photos with Instagram followers to other sites is helpful in keeping an enthusiastic and constant look of branding and messaging. For example, integration with Facebook means that every time you share something on Instagram, you can also share it in your Facebook as well, including the posts and the Stories.
However, regramming on Instagram can increase the number of touchpoints by reposting content on Instagram, pinning it to your Pinterest board or even to embed the post on your website, which will give people who could potentially listen to your podcast a chance to come across your show.
Podcasting industries also benefit immensely from social media marketing and the best practices involve consistency whiles working through each platform.
Podcast + Audiograms = Instagram
Audiograms are already one of the most sought-after solutions for those who want to convey the content of podcasts and other audio materials in a visually attractive manner. These are short, simple animated scenes that contain a soundwave and an image which may be still, or a video. They ensure one turns a relatively an audio based platform into something that gets attention on an image centric platform like the Instagram.
The promotion of podcasts can be improved by developing engaging audiograms that can be posted on Instagram. For instance, there is Headliner or Wavve that can help you quickly transform your podcast clips into audiograms.
Select short segments which are about 15-30 seconds long and are most engaging part of the specific episode, it can be citation or joke or idea. Those interested in listening to the full episode should pair the audiogram with a powerful description.
How to Create Engaging Audiograms
Creating audiograms is of an art and craftsmanship which is where one has to decide on what/audio to use, what image or icon to use and make sure it fits into Instagram. To create an audiogram, select a brief part of your episode that will generate curiosity—whether it’s a thoughtful statement, a humorous conversation, or a dramatic scene. Ensure you achieve good sound quality and speaking quality because Instagram favors short videos or short recordings.
Finally, you want to produce the audiogram and you can use Headliner, Wavve or Audiogram to produce the audiogram. These tools enable you to upload your audio file, put it in perfect synchrony with an image or video and also add a responsive waveform on the media.
You can also include captions because many people who use Instagram take a look at the videos and other content without sound. Images, in this case, assist in passing across the message even with the volume off.
For visuals, use your podcaster branding identifiers such as your logo or cast art to make your audiograms memorable and polished. Use Instagram’s square (1:Aspect ratio can be portrait (1:1) or landscape (9:16), so your audiogram will look good no matter if you post it in Stories or regular feed content.
Effective Features of Instagram for Promotion of Podcast
Instagram consists of different features suitable to the promotion of podcasts. Insight into how these features work, and how they can be best utilized can be extremely beneficial in gaining more of the right kind of attention for your podcast.
Instagram Stories: Stories are ideal for sharing episode teasers, the days leading to a brand-new show, as well as live connections with your followers. Images and videos are also useful, you can also ask questions, give polls, quizzes and such things to let your followers reply.
Instagram Reels: Reels are short, attractive videos that enable you to share a portion of your podcast in a creative way. These short clips are quite searchable, and the videos may go further afield if the post is automatically featured in Instagram’s explore page.
IGTV: For longer content it’s perfect for sharing full podcast episodes or long highlight reel. This feature allows videos to go up to an hour, which gives podcasters the option to post longer content to the site.
Instagram Live: Going live is the perfect way to engage your audience real-time, it is helpful during live question and answer sessions, interviews, or after episodes. It is also a good practice to be able to reach out to your listeners more individually during live videos and also create bonding among podcast listeners.
Instagram Highlights: Stories saved in the right corner under the designation of Key Stories provide previous episodes and other needed information, available for new followers.
Dozens of features make Instagram great for promoting your podcast, and with the help of this article, you can understand how to use all of them to create a diverse approach to your target audience.
Podcast Archives with Instagram Highlights
Instagram Stories, like Swipe Up, allow your fans to see the episode and information even when the Stories section is no longer available after 24 hours; Instagram Highlights are the perfect segment for podcast content. Promotions can be used as a sort of an overview of your most popular content.
For instance, if you have different sets of episodes, you could name your Highlights ‘Episodes’, ‘Guest’ Highlights or ‘Behind the scenes’ with links to more content that your followers can easily find.
They also get to use Highlights for podcast episode archives where they can include key content for the new followers. They will just have to scroll down and look for episodes that they have a chance of having missed, and this makes its long term audience retention excellent.
How and Why Hashtags Can Be a Great Benefit to Getting Your Podcast Noticed
In as much as hashtags can be used to achieve several goals, they a Stand out necessities for enhancing podcast visibility in Instagram. When applied appropriately, audiences with the topic interests you cover can discover your content. The idea is to try to use a fair amount of generic trending hashtags as well, combined with the ones that are extremely podcast-relevant.
For instance begin by identifying appropriate hashtags in that particular subject area that your podcast pertains. If your podcast is specifically about technology your hashtag options may look like #TechPodcast, #Innovation, #Startups.
Using some of these alongside other general podcasting hashtags such as #PodcastLife, #PodcastRecommendations and #PodcastersOfInstagram could be a good way of increasing the visibility of your posts while directing the messages to the right audience, given that they are interested in the type of content you handle.
According to the Instagram, you’re free to tag your post with up to 30 hashtags, nevertheless, it is better to focus on the quality of the hashtags. This means that one should preferably have a combination of popular, specific and commercial hashtags.
For instance, you can craft a unique hashtag relevant to your podcast and use it in the title, i.e. #YourPodcastName, and add it to every post that is within the subject of your podcaster segment. Besides, it also resolves the issues of finding a specific podcast and developing a listenership base.
That is why it is important to locate the hashtag sensibly. Some creators decide to place them in the caption because those are the first thing people would see when they see the post, others place them in the first comment section so that the post is not cluttered. Both work, so take what feels best to you but always ensure that the hashtags you input are correct and useful.
Preparing Poststructure for tagging guests and influencers for collaboration
Marking the guests and influencers in the Instagram comments is quite obvious but it works amazingly for the podcasts. Whenever you cover guests, ensure to tag them on all related materials, including episodes, promotion, audiograms, and even on your sneak peek posts. This makes them to repost whatever you have posted to your followers which will expose your podcast to a larger audience.
Apart from guests, you e can well tag influencers or other pod casters who share the same niche with you. Inviting influencers to share their perspectives in one of the episodes, mention your podcast in your stories, or host it together can seriously expand your audience base. Every individual with the followers interested in some topic may contribute to extension of such topic’s interest and make it credible and attractive for the potential audience.
While tagging, making sure to put in consideration a brief message on why the tagging is important. Besides the fact that the kind-heartedness of the guest who shared your content gives them an additional reason to share the post, this also helps the listeners of your podcast episode to get context
Which means that even if they themselves would not immediately go to listen to this particular episode, they might then go back and listen to the episode in question with your guest, knowing what they should expect in terms of the topic discussed and the guest’s knowledge on the
Building a Community Around Your Podcast
Another benefit of podcast promotion on Instagram is the ability to create a niche fan base for you podcast. Developing listenership culture makes the clients faithful and engaging to your podcast in the long run.
One of the best ways to literally create a community is to create content that is conversation-starting. Use Instagram Live or Stories to organize open Q&A with listeners and ask the questions connected to your podcast’s subjects. You can use Instagram polls or quizzes to let your followers express their views or find out more about the topics of the podcast you create.
It might also be a good idea to create a private IG account or a list of Close Friends with whom it is always pleasant to share something a little more specific and personal, like new episodes’ teasers or brief updates. This gives your followers a kind of loyalty and makes them much more attached to your podcast than before.
Last but not the least as a social community, welcome your users by featuring some of the content they create. Teach your audience how to engage in a discussion about your podcast on Instagram and make sure they use a specific hashtag to do it. Sharing the content created by your listeners to your Stories or feed is a perfect way to appreciate them for their support.
If you’re producing content on a regular basis and sharing valuable content, then you will develop a loyal fan base who will be interested in listening to your show and more importantly, helping you promote it.
How to Improve Your Podcast Audience Engagement with Instagram Algorithm
Hence, to achieve maximum visibility on the platform, podcasters need to understudy Instagram’s algorithm to find ways through which the content will trigger engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares. The quantity of posts’ interaction contributes to the appearance of the given posts in feeds of other people.
Sharing content often and at the best time with the right type of content using reel, stories, carousel post, and also getting engaged with the audience using comment section and DM will help boost the visibility of the account on the platform. Also, if the URLs for the articles are mentioned as captions, there are better chances of rank improvement and if the captions contain keywords and proper hashtags, they will further help in searching the articles.
Another benefit of getting followers is that if you take your time to comment on their posts, the same can encourage your followers to do the same on your post as a way of boosting your post ranking in the feed. Instagram wants users to stay on the app, so using high participation formats such as Reels or Stories that prompt users to engage with the post contribute to podcast growth.
Effective Ways to Share Podcast Clips on Instagram

In fact, using the clips is one of the most powerful techniques of promoting your podcast on Instagram. All sorts of contents on Instagram are really favorable for episode teasers: Reels, IGTV, and Stories. In Reels, which has been optimized to allow posting clips of up to 60 seconds, you can share some of the most engaging segments of your podcast.
IGTV is best for longer videos like full episode or episodes from the show or interviews, whereas Stories are informal and vanish after 24 hours to provide some teaser. Sharing clips of the discussions by preparing creative audiograms, an audiogram is a graphic representation of the streaming audio, will help to capture the viewers’ attention and stop scrolling to listen to the message.
From your clips, edit them to brief and straight to the point depending on the episode you are promoting so as to entice the listener to choose to listen to the full pod cast.
How Instagram Poll Features Can Be Effective in Engaging Podcast’s Audience
The use of Instagram’s poll feature in stories is actually a great way through which to interact with the audience of a podcast. Polls are a good way to create direct engagement; they allow participants to share their views or choices as to the specifics of episodes, the guests, or the upcoming material.
It also helps you establish a better interpersonal relationship with your audience together with establish what your listeners may enjoy or would wish to continue listening to.
For instance, you may poll your audience to select the best episode, decide between two featured topics, or use Polls to assess the interest in the guests. If you want to refer to entertained and engaging audience elements that may be somehow linked to your podcast niche, then Polls can be of great help.
This way, the audience will continue following your channel and avoiding the situation when they sporadically interact with your channel and then forget about it.
Incorporating Podcast Episodes with Instagram Live
Instagram Live is one such feature that would enable you to engage your audience at the same time and thereby creating the opportunity to talk about podcast episodes. You can also use Live for questions and answers where you talk about the next episodes or the next posts explained in previous episodes. Another great way to engage your audience and offer them a sneak peek at who you are featuring on your podcast in the next episode is to go live with your guests.
Topics, sub-topes and posts are extremely interesting and capturing because living feeds the audience with real-time feedback technology such as comments and questions. When it comes to increasing the audience, you can use countdown stickers and announcements of the Live session before it starts.
In the same case, after your session is over, you can convert the Live to a post or IGTV video which makes the rest of your followers who missed the Live session to be able to watch it later.
Incorporating Instagram Polls to Boost Podcast Interaction

Of all the features integrated on Instagram Stories, polls are among the most engaging, and therefore can be utilised to create engagement for podcasts. Thus, by creating some easy and fun generally known poll topical to the content of your podcast, you contribute to discussion and people’s opinions. For example, you might want your followers to select the topics you will discus in future episodes, the moment from the podcast that impressed them, or the guest that they would like to see in the podcast.
They can also be employed to collect information about past episodes showing you the kind of content your listeners prefer.
The more you engage with your audience using polls, the more they feel part of your podcast and will continue to engage themselves with your podcast. Poll results can also be used to discuss in some episodes, which will definitely connect your instagram posts with your podcasts.
Living in the age where everything being consumed is through screen, and more specifically through social media, it is almost criminal not to leverage on Instagram for your podcast promotion. Leveraging on beautiful pictures and interesting stories, Instagram provides an array of features that if employed effectively will assist an individual in reaching out to his or her potential fans.
Catapulting an engaging presence that users and viersons are able to identify and follow could be master when using techniques such as use of hashtag, collaborations, interactive posts, and or using the users’ stories.
When using the features offered by Instagram, do not forget that people should see everything as natural and uniform. Your audience will always understand a real interaction and content that matches your podcast’s mission statement.
If your content is not resonating with your audience, it could be due to your interaction rate being higher than your audience growth rate and you need to constantly monitor how you engage your listeners and change your strategies based on their needs. This means the process should go on several cycles and will not only improve your promotional strategies but it will also improve your relations with the audience.